Your defense spray just got smart!

The Plegium Smart Defense Spray combines maximum strength spray with instant location-based emergency alerts through text messages and phone calls, ensuring help is on the way.

Instant emergency alerts with location sharing through real phone calls & texts

Maximum strength self defense spray for animal defense, combined with red UV marking dye

Multi-layer defense in one push of a button: spray, siren, strobe light & emergency alerts

Lien Verified buyer | October 4, 2023

Coolest pepper spray ever!

This thing is amazing. Especially if you have little ones. I went through a situation a few years ago with my tiny 5m baby. Pepper spray got this crazy person away from us. I think everyone should own a pepper spray and this one is a step above that. Having it be able to send your location to your emergency contacts is great! Just in case your in a bad situation and back up is needed. The app is easy to install and set up too! Highly recommend.

Mendenhall M. Verified buyer | June 20, 2023

Makes me feel safe

Obviously, I don't know if it works exactly as it should as in order to double check if it does, I would have to spray it at somebody. However, I appreciate all the features and it was easy to get ready to go.

Jennifer Verified buyer | April 27, 2023

Safe and worth the money

10/10 recommend, I honestly feel so much better with this kind of pepper spray, it notifies people when you’ve sprayed it or when you’re in danger! Especially being a woman this is def the price instead of those cheap plastic pepper sprays.

Jasmine J. Verified buyer | April 10, 2023

Highly recommend it!!

Came right on time, and it only took a couple minutes to set it up! The alarm is very loud and jarring. I had to download the app to make sure that I set everything up correctly. Code is under the lid with the button, and you can save 5 contacts to send a message. Also, make sure you always have the app open!! I hope I never have to use it. Thank you!

Karin S. Verified buyer | March 24, 2023


Feel very safe knowing I have this in a true emergency.

Sorin O. Verified buyer | March 1, 2023


If you have a kid away at college GET THIS! It alerts the authorities, you and 4 other people and it send txts of last location GPS. And once activated it turns also a siren on. It’s awesome for self protection!

Adam. Verified buyer | February 11, 2023

Super helpful

A weight has been lifted off my shoulder - there’s so many dangerous incidents i’ve experienced while on transit or alone in public. As a transit rider, this is a life saver!

Hedras. Verified buyer | January 26, 2023

Incredible product

... for only 50 usd you have all those extra 5 amazing features that will make a huge difference in case of an emergency, this product is above all of their competitors, is totally worth it, 100% recommended!

Mandy Verified buyer | June 27, 2022

Get it!

Feels comfortable in hand, safety feature with having to lift them push, loud siren, bright flashing strobe light, and the GPS feature is exactly spot-on and immediately contacted my emergency contact!

Share your location in seconds

The Plegium app lets you instantly share your precise location with trusted contacts, turning your defense spray into a powerful, connected safety tool that ensures help is always within reach, wherever you are.


What model suits your needs?

Feature by


Smart Mini

Smart Emergency Button

Maximum strength pepper spray

Included in Included in Included in

Free location text messages

Included in Included in Translation missing: it.sections.compare_models.not_included_in

Free automatic phone calls

Included in Included in Translation missing: it.sections.compare_models.not_included_in

130 dB Siren

Included in Translation missing: it.sections.compare_models.not_included_in Included in

Strobe LED

Included in Translation missing: it.sections.compare_models.not_included_in Included in

Magnetic quick-release keychain

Included in Included in Included in

1 month Premium subscription

Included in Included in Translation missing: it.sections.compare_models.not_included_in

Choose your smart safety device

Instant location emergency alerts via phone call and text

Free location text messages
Free automatic phone calls
Maximum strength pepper spray
Strobe LED

Spray al peperoncino intelligente

Free location text messages
Free automatic phone calls

Pulsante di emergenza intelligente

Free location text messages
Free automatic phone calls
Maximum strength pepper spray

Mini spray al peperoncino intelligente

Maximum strength pepper spray
Strobe LED

Combo Pepper Spray

Maximum strength pepper spray

Standard Pepper Spray


Benefits at a glance

Automatic alerts through calls and texts

Instant sharing of your current location

Audio stream shared in real-time

Connects to your phone via Bluetooth

24/7 professional monitoring

Download the app


Posso viaggiare all'estero con il mio spray al peperoncino?

Esistono importanti differenze legali da paese a paese per quanto riguarda l'uso dello spray al peperoncino. Per questo motivo vi sconsigliamo di portare con voi spray al peperoncino durante il vostro viaggio all'estero.

Poiché i nostri spray repellenti per animali sono aerosol, non devono essere portati in nessun caso nella cabina dell'aereo.

Posso testare gli spray repellenti per animali?

Tutti i nostri prodotti hanno un contenuto sufficiente per circa 10-15 secondi di spruzzatura continua prima che siano vuoti. È più che sufficiente per prendere di mira più aggressori.

Tuttavia, non consigliamo di testare lo spray premendo il grilletto poiché in caso di emergenza è importante avere a disposizione la massima quantità di spray.

Per testare tutte le altre funzioni (messaggi di localizzazione, telefonate, sirena e led), è possibile utilizzare un oggetto appuntito e premere per 10 secondi la leva TEST posta sul lato del prodotto. Quindi è sufficiente spingere nuovamente la leva verso l'alto.

I prodotti hanno una data di scadenza?

Tutti i prodotti hanno una durata di 4 anni. I modelli Smart, Smart Mini e Combo - dotati anche di batterie ricaricabili - hanno un'autonomia di 4 anni senza bisogno di essere ricaricati.

Come utilizzo il mio spray?

I modelli Smart, Smart Mini, Combo e Premium sono tutti dotati di una copertura di sicurezza a molla per evitare di premere accidentalmente il grilletto quando si trasporta lo spray repellente per animali nella borsa. Come utilizzare questi modelli:

1. Far scorrere il pollice sotto la copertura di sicurezza

2. Premere con decisione il pulsante di scatto al centro: ora tutte le funzioni sono attivate contemporaneamente

3. Spruzzare l'aggressore da un orecchio all'altro sugli occhi, quindi colpire il naso e la bocca

Come posso impostare il mio Smart / Smart Mini Spray al peperoncino?

La configurazione del tuo spray repellente per animali Smart / Smart Mini richiede solo un minuto. Funziona così:

1. Scarica l'app Plegium gratuita dall'App Store o da Google Play.

2. Collega il tuo Smart / Smart Mini utilizzando l'app

3. Aggiungi i tuoi contatti di emergenza nell'app (fino a 5)

4. Per testare tutte le funzioni tranne lo spray repellente per animali, è sufficiente premere per 10 secondi la leva TEST posta sul lato del prodotto. Quindi spingerlo nuovamente verso l'alto.

L'app Plegium deve essere aperta affinché i messaggi di posizione e le telefonate funzionino. È sufficiente che l'app sia in esecuzione in background e che il telefono sia bloccato. Tuttavia, se chiudi esplicitamente l'app, il segnale del tuo spray non verrà ricevuto una volta attivato.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Also you can check our FAQ